Sunday, April 26, 2015

Creating Brand Strategy and Awareness Using Social Media

Branding in the Virtual Universe
Every business today needs a hot and sticky brand.
Today is different than any time in our history when speaking on the topic of branding a business. In the virtual universe, it is very important to have a professional social presence.
To do business online in this changing landscape, it is going to be required of us to know how to use social media for branding. Branding is the concept behind all you do in business and even in your personal life. It is the element which people remember.
Remember the days of "cold calling"?
Cold-Calling is the process of calling a list of people to get them to say yes to what you are doing. It is a process which may be going away with the dawn of virtual marketing. There are a few things your business can start to do to increase brand awareness.

  • Use referencing material such as hashtags when making social posts. A hashtag is the number sign and the word beside it will be what you would use. Simply do a search for the word and see what you come up with.

  • Have a complete social media profile. Using one over the other is perfectly fine, but a successful business will be branded everywhere a prospect resides.

  • Create a mission. Having a business is one of the greatest assets someone can possess, but often the business does not have a mission. What are your core values as a business owner?

  • Recruit a team. Using some of the group features found on many social networks is a great way to build your tribe. Once loyal, a consumer will return again and again. Within the groups, talk about your brand, products and outreach goals.

  • Be visible. Don't worry about being seen. Business that aren't seen, aren't in business very long. Use your social media to create a virtual fame factor.

  • Write a book. Writing a book establishes you as the expert in your chosen field. It is easier than ever to produce, publish and promote your book.

  • Be a testimonial junkie. Everywhere your business goes, be sure to collect testimonials. Even one sentence praise reports from someone famous can result in your business exploding with interested clients.

  • Be humble and authentic. In a virtual arena, retaining authenticity is key to attracting high-paying prospects who demand more of the "real deal".

  • Have a strategy. Having an outlined strategy for virtual branding goes a long way toward peace. Lay out each week what you are going to put out there and who will see it.

  • Finally, embrace change. Social media is a virtual Goliath in the world of branding. Your new "hot and sticky" brand will go with you through all of the change, but know, there will be changes.

  • It has been a pleasure to talk to you today about branding on social media. Stay cool and write your book.
    #hotpinkattitude with Carla Wynn
    Create your Brand - Then write a book!

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